“I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.” – Albert Schweitzer
The Proposed- CENTRAL ISABEL DUPONG BAY EAGLES CLUB (CIDBEC) under the ORMOC CITY EAGLES DISTRICT affiliated to THE FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES (PHILIPPINE EAGLES) Eastern Visayas Eagles Region conducted a back to back Community Service which is a Comfortroom/Restroom Cleaning & Restoration of Freedom Center Galicano Ruiz, Isabel,Leyte. In coordination with the Local Government of Isabel Leyte thru Kuya Eagle Arquilles Silva, Municipal Administrator of the Municipality of Isabel.
This activity is part of the Incubation Stage of the applicants of the Fraternity, it also aims to promote the spirit of Eagleism in the Municipality of Isabel. That the Fraternal Order of Eagles (Philippine Eagles) is true to it’s mantra of Service through Strong Brotherhood.