The Fraternal Order of Eagles (Philippine Eagles) Site IconThe founding of the Eagles Fraternity was heavily preceded by a series of marathon meetings by its key architects and founders who had virtually cut the bridges behind them. Lo and behold, the die was cast and they were ready to face up to the enormous challenge of founding an indigenous socio-civic fraternal organization intensely determined in the light of local environment and necessity.

What was once only a vision, became an idea that lingered in the minds of these men. And the idea was born! It came into fruition when the following dynamic men of integrity formed themselves into an Ad-Hoc Committee tasked to primarily discuss the real meaning of what has been going to explode out from their ambitious minds which held marathon meetings for almost a period of two months from May to June 1979. The Ad-Hoc Committee became the nucleus of the dreams and aspirations of the founders.

The following were the original eleven ( 11 ) members of the Ad-Hoc Committee who eventually founded the Eagles Fraternity in 1979. The members of the Ad-Hoc committee were the prime movers of the fraternal movement. The words spoken and ascribed to them had been refined to approximately reflect their thoughts not only of their characters but also of the movement itself. Here, they are:

NILO H. RAYMUNDO, a known wealthy, benevolent and cause-oriented businessman, who eventually became the Charter National President of the Fraternal Order of Eagles (Philippine Eagles). The Haring Agila!

PEDRO R. BALBANERO, a graduate of the Philippine Military Academy known as the Strategist, Muscle, and the Adviser, of the movement.

CELSO P. MARIANO, a prominent election lawyer, who became the chairman of the Ad Hoc committee and was the “Literary craftsman” of the movement who wrote the historic Declaration of Goals and Objectives of the Fraternal Order of Eagles (Philippine Eagles) and its Constitution and Magna Carta!
CRISANTO T. SARUCA, the ever colorful lawyer, the gut and dramatic articulator, of the movement. Together with Celso Mariano, they were given the task to do the research and find the appropriate name for the soon to be born movement.

RIZAL ALBERTO C. NOLIDO, an engineer-businessman, characteristically very uncontroversial but possessed a very strong conviction for the movement when he made a strong declaration by saying: “I have pledged not to join any other civic organization after we have founded the Philippine Eagles. I have absolute faith that the Philippine-born civic organization will deserve the support of the Philippine community”. To this day, he has not joined any other civic organization. Unfortunately , he is now bed-ridden due to a lingering illness.

MEL P. SAMSON, also an engineer-businessman, is another Key founder and pillar of the Fraternity, ever generous, accommodating and steadfast. His views and those of Bert Nolido run parallel. He is alive and still strong in his age past the middle eighties!

ELEUTERIO C. DUMOGHO, a business consultant and political analyst, was a fundamentalist and better remembered as the early “father of the Eagles Seminars.” Almost unfledged and unflinching, he emerged, at a time, as the hardliner of the movement strongly agitating for the restoration of the Filipino cultural and social heritage. As he always said, “The Fraternal Order of Eagles will easily stand out among its peers in support of our country.”

EUGENIO E. LLARENA, an engineer, was very valuable to the movement. With Dominador Ordonez, he had vastly given and committed his time to the fraternity.

DOMINADOR ORDONEZ, was also valuable to the movement. While he was an ambivalent founder as he was not prepared to cut altogether his umbilical connections with the Lions international. He was fondly remembered as the “eyes and ears” of Nilo Raymundo.

LORENZO TOLENTINO, also an engineer-businessman, is a key founder of the Philippine Eagles. He designed the first LOGO of the movement.

WILSON C. WY TIU, another engineer-businessman, is one singular founder by-passed by the history of the movement. He was so dedicated and steadfast. Unfortunately, Wilson missed the historic signing of the Declaration of Goals and Objectives of the Fraternity on June 22, 1979 and of its Constitution and By- Laws on 7 July 1979 at the Asian Institute of Tourism (AIT) in Diliman, Quezon City. History failed him but had the distinction of being one of the eleven ( 11) who sweat out during marathon meetings of the Ad-Hoc Committee.

To the founders and pillars of the movement: “Birth is responsibility.” Today, their hands are deliberately laden with care and burdens no less demanding from them to continue exercise their unselfish hands and minds to blue print the long-range objectives of the Philippine Eagles planted in the Philippine service milieu.

In the search of a name of the movement (organization), the Ad-Hoc Committee deliberated for several suggestions and recommendations such as LAKAN, TAMARAW, GRIFFIN and Philippine monkey-eating eagle. And finally, after intense deliberation and discussion, the name of the movement adopted by the Ad-Hoc Committee, was the THE FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES ( Philippine Eagles ) which was unanimously approved by the body. They called themselves the Philippine Eagles whose guiding principle is “Service Through Strong Brotherhood”.

And by definition, the Philippine Eagles shall be:

E – Enlightened and innovative humanitarian.
A – Animated primarily by a strong bond of brotherhood and fraternal ties.
G – God fearing, God conscious, non-sectarian.
L – Law abiding, liberty-oriented, non political.
E – Emblazed with intense mission of
S – Service to country, its people and its community.

It was then Col. Pedro Balbanero, who recommended that NILO RAYMUNDO should initially lead the newly organized movement. He has given the maximum sacrifice to steer and guide the movement to the extent of having to give up his ambition to become a Lions District Governor. He readily accepted the challenge anticipating the enormity of the problems that he would be facing ahead!


Eagle Nilo H. Raymundo took his oath as the charter national president of the The Fraternal Order of Eagles ( Philippine Eagles ) during the chartering of the first Philippine Eagles club, the Quezon City Central Eagles Club held at the Club Filipino, Greenhills, San Juan City.


The Eagles movement had spread out and rooted nationally, in the decade. Scores of club chapters were formed and organized in the major parts of the country as it continued to enjoy the confidence of young dedicated men who desired to join and become members of the organization under its guiding principle of “service through strong brotherhood”. It readily spread out in the Mindanao area especially in Northern Mindanao when the Cagayan de Oro Eagles Club, the Iligan City Eagles Club, and the Ozamis City Eagles Club were eventually chartered in three ( 3 ) successive nights each between them spearheaded by the amiable and charismatic leadership of Eagle Sancho K. Chan, formerly the Regional Director of the National Bureau of Investigation in the Northern Mindanao Region who was eventually elected Charter Regional Governor for NMR.

The National Leadership then in 2006 decided to register the organization with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the name: THE FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES ( Philippine Eagles ) Inc. The incorporators were all past national presidents of the Eagles Fraternity, namely:


The application was eventually approved by the SEC which granted SEC Certificate of Incorporation No. CN200618418 dated December 04, 2006.

The Heart of Eagleism

The Philippine Eagles began in the ferment of certain segments of the Philippine service groups in the face of a mélange of service ideologies that we have in our country’s midst. We have the Lions, the Rotarians, the Kiwanis, the Jaycees, et cetera. These are worldwide foreign civic organizations transported to us. They are not menaces, as in fact, the Eagles have commonly shared their humanitarian ideals. In this context, these service groups have a lot to learn from one another and learning from one another they can place a better value to their service work and efforts.”

  • Eagleism is fraternalism, or that state of relationship characteristic of brothers.
  • In the Philippine Eagles, members must have primordially developed a deep sense of brotherhood among them. It is the primacy of their relationship is brotherhood.
  • Eagleism is humanitarianism…an ethical commitment or concern for human welfare, or relations, and shall be expressed in philanthropic activities or interest in social reforms.

Eagleism… reliability of the Eagles commitment to a brother Eagle…
This is what the Philippine Eagles institutionally call the Alalayang Agila…
…the Eagles “shall have shared each other’s problems or moments of importance and shall have expanded and enhanced their sense and spirit of brotherhood”.

Eagleism is something more. In the declaration of policies and objectives of the Philippine Eagles, it says that the Philippine Eagles shall be:

E – Enlightened and innovative humanitarian
A – Animated primarily by a strong bond of brotherhood and fraternal ties.
G – God-loving, non-sectarian.
L – Law-abiding, liberty-oriented, non-political.
E – Emblazed with intense mission of
S – Service to country, its people and its community.

The Philippine Eagles shall be —

E – Enlightened and innovative humanitarian
A – Animated primarily by a strong bond of brotherhood and fraternal ties.
G – God-loving, non-sectarian.
L – Law-abiding, liberty-oriented, non-political.
E – Emblazed with intense mission of
S – Service to country, its people and its community.

The Philippine Eagles shall evolve and construct in the Philippine society a new approach and vision in the quality and scope of humanitarian service which they shall seek to nationalize for the maximum benefit and human betterment of the Philippine Society and community

They shall encourage the formation and organization of Eagles Clubs in the whole Philippine Archipelago.

They shall provide means for community service and healthy fellowship for their membership.

They shall encourage exchange of business, professional, cultural, social and other opportunities and advantages for the mutual benefits of the members and the association.

They shall be interested in promoting health research, scientific inquiries, education and social legislation and shall provide forum for their open discussions. They shall not debate or discuss partisan politics in the association or in the club.

They shall be governed by a constitution and by laws to be written hereafter, which shall be informed for all the members.

They shall resolve their internal problems and affairs within the fraternity or the club and without resource to the courts of justice. It shall be part of their oath not to embarrass the fraternity or the club by taking any action outside the remedy provided by the fraternity or the club on any matter which might arise in their relationship with the fraternity or the club.

They shall resolve their internal problems and affairs within the fraternity or the club and without resource to the courts of justice. It shall be part of their oath not to embarrass the fraternity or the club by taking any action outside the remedy provided by the fraternity or the club on any matter which might arise in their relationship with the fraternity or the club.

The Philippine Eagles shall seek and construct their humanitarian service, usefulness and destiny in the Philippines geared to benefit primarily its needy people and community. They are strongly committed to render personal service for the betterment of the Philippine community and its people. They shall sacrifice and do battle to achieve their goals.

They shall give no excuses as they have hereby set the innovative tone of change which shall present matter-of-fact humanitarian service to the needy sector of the Philippine society intensely determined, in the light of local environment and necessity, they shall give dignity to this battle and crusade by doing and practicing what they hereby strong set and desire.

God-loving men for country’s sake.
Offers strength and mind and energy.
We dedicate fraternal love.
Service for the good of all humanity.

We’re Eagles, the Philippines Eagles;
Lasting peace’s our noble mission;
We’re Eagles, friend to all people;
Pillars of the Nation.

For brotherhood we work and serve.
Peace, Equality and Unity.
Emblazed with zeal of human care,
We will share our lives to all Humanity.

We’re Eagles, the Philippines Eagles;
Lasting peace’s our noble mission;
We’re Eagles, friend to all
Pillars of the Nation.

For brotherhood we work and serve.
Peace, Equality and Unity.
Emblazed with zeal of human care,
We will share our lives to keep our Liberty.

Our Divine Providence, we humble ourselves before you as we praise your Holy Name and feel your presence in our midst.

We implore your Divine Guidance and Blessing as we consciously gather on this occasion in pursuit and furtherance of the cherished goals and objectives of our beloved Fraternity.

We beseech you, All Powerful God, to enrich our hearts, to enligthen our minds, and to broaden our understanding and compassion to one another as we carry and pursue our goal and objectives not only on this particular occasion but also on the many, many of the times our striving and endeavors.

Please, Almighty God, elevate our spirits and fortify our steps, as we seek, keep and edify our Fraternity ever one and whole and as we strive perseveringly to enhance and strengthen our national brotherhood.

All these, our Divine Providence, we fervently ask under your supreme guidance and direction.


I, having consciously subscribed, to the Constitution and Eagles Magna Carta of the Philippine Eagles, and aware of my responsibility to my GOD and COUNTRY, do hereby pledge to promote and defend at all times said Constitution and Eagles Magna Carta and its ideals to the best of my ability and within my power and capacity.